Induced breeding of fish pdf

Gonadotropin induced breeding is now being widely studied and used in the breeding of carp in china and india, and of other species elsewhere. Of these, about 50 species are cultured in tropical south. Why induced breeding induced breeding is a technique where organism is stimulated by particular hormone or other synthetic hormone or by providing condition, introduced to breed in captive condition. Several synthetic analogues of gonadotropinreleasing hormones gnrh and preparations have been used in fish breeding and seed production in different fish. To overcome these difficulties, induced breeding has been developed. Some of these hormonal materials natural and synthetic include chcg. The selection of the gravid fish was made on the basis of external morphological features 6,18.

It provides reallife examples for the purpose of maximizing fish and seed production to support overall sustainability in aquaculture. Hormonein duced spawning is the only reliable method to induce reproduction in these fishes. The technique of induced breeding is simple and can be easily learnt without much training. The credit for developing the technique of hypophysation in the world goes to the brazilians, while the pioneers of hypophysation of indian major carps are h. The present study is the outcome of seed production trials carried out. Although natural spawning is the preferred method for breeding cultivated fish, induced spawning may be necessary to control timing and synchrony of egg production for practical reasons. Various types of fishes have been induced to spawn, using various hormonal materials nwadukwe, 1993. After that all the fishes are removed from the breeding hapa and then the eggs are collected by a net and are transferred to the inner part of the hatching hapa.

Brood stock management the brood fishes were fed on supplementary diet formulated from 25% fish meal, 20% rice bran, 20%. It is one of the dependable methods of producing pure seed of desired species of fish. Introduction there are more than 80 species of freshwater and marine fish cultured in asia. Fry production, induced breeding practices and costprofit. Induced breeding of glass catfish, kryptopterus vitreolus ng. The stimulation promotes timely release ofthe stimulation promotes timely release of sperms and eggs from ripe gonads. Induced breeding of the stinging catfish, heteropneustes. Pitutary gland extract, hcg and synthetic hormones viz. Hormonal control of reproduction in fish for induced spawning. He later led the way in intensive mixed farming to increase fish. Its external physical appearance is similar to native climbing perch as of india, but two black spot found, one in operculum and another is in caudal. A single dose of ovatide given intramuscularly to the brood fish leads to the production of an increased number of eggs through complete spawning with high fertilization and hatching percentage. Panchasayar, kolkata 700 094, west bengal, india feedha is given daily at this stocking rate.

These short objective type questions with answers are very important for board exams as well as competitive exams. The method used depends on the species of fish but all methods have distinct demerits. Introductionintroduction induced breeding is a technique where byinduced breeding is a technique where by ripe fish breeders are stimulated by pituitaryripe fish breeders are stimulated by pituitary hormone or other synthetic hormonehormone or other synthetic hormone introduced to breed in captive troduced to breed in captive. Hormoneinduced spawning of cultured tropical finfishes. Fisheries multiple choice questions and answers for competitive exams. After 4 hours of injection the activities and movement of male fish was increased. Induced breeding of endemic major carps has been established as a dependable source of fish seeds since the mid 1960s ali, 1967 in hatcheries for production of fry or fingerlings which contributes significantly to the overall aquaculture production of bangladesh. Seed production an urgent need for singhi heteropneustes. Hormone induced artificial breeding of a commercially. Induced breeding is a technique by which ripe fishes are stimulated by pituitary hormone introduction to breed in captivity.

Recently scientists have started to breed the fish artificially by using hcg human chorionic gonadotropin and pituitary gland rahamatullah et a. Aquarium set up, water supply facilities, working space etc were assured before the breeding program. The best time for preparation of pituitary extract is may and june. The blue revolution in india was developed on the basis of seed production technology through hypophysation by him. Induced breeding, embryonic and larval development of. Fish breeding in india is no longer a complicated technique.

The book is written in a deliberately nonacademic style and covers a wide range of topics including breeding, manipulation of the environment to induce breeding, conservation offish genetic. Spawning behaviour and induced breeding of an estuarine. Though the quantity of fish seed production is increasing day by day in this region but the fish seed quality produced by the hatcheries is not satisfactory. The male started to move around the female and chase her. Induced breeding of african catfish clariasgariepinus. The fish started spawning between 44 48 h and cell division was observed after the first hour of spawning but severe mortality occurred after 6 h. The induced breeding technique is very simple and can be learnt even by a layman. Induced fish breeding, a practical guide for hatcheries. Induced breeding techniques have allowed farmers to profitably breed and culture carp fishes that do not naturally reproduce under captive. To a large extent the poor performance of this freshwater fish species in africa has been due to the absence of reliable production techniques for the reproduction and rearing of the species under practical f arming conditions. In india, the first attempt on induced breeding was conducted by hameed khan in 1938 on mrigal, cirrhinus mrigala by administration of. Induced fish breeding, a practical guide for hatcheries pdf.

Aug 19, 2015 by fish hatchery we refer to a place where brood fish are stocked in growth ponds, eggs are fertilized and hatched up to fingerlings in artificial conditions by the process of induced breeding. A new spawning agent, ovopel was evaluated for spawning of indian carps in assam, india. This is to test the effectiveness, efficiency and efficacy of diluting the ovaprim with normal saline to induce the breeding of. Jun 09, 2016 introductionintroduction induced breeding is a technique where byinduced breeding is a technique where by ripe fish breeders are stimulated by pituitaryripe fish breeders are stimulated by pituitary hormone or other synthetic hormonehormone or other synthetic hormone introduced to breed in captive troduced to breed in captive condition. Introduction the history of fish farming probably dates back as far as 2000 b. Induced breeding in tropical fish culture semantic scholar. Induced breeding of african catfish clariasgariepinus under. A major breakthrough in fish breeding research was the finding that dopamine, acts as an inhibitory factor for synthesis of gonadotropin. The technique of breeding fish by other than its natural course is known as induced breeding. The theory and practice of induced breeding in fish. Among all the mammalian gonadotropins, hcg has given. Twenty pairs of brood fishes were reared up to maturation for spawning operation in a fish farm by providing farmmade artificial diet containing 30%. Fish reproduction is a periodic phenomenon and is controlled. This can be done by adopting induced breeding technique by which ripe or mature fishes breed in confined water when stimulated by injection of pituitary.

Gravid female fish were identified by the presence of soft swollen belly with short, round, button shaped and slit like genital papilla along with reddish vent figure 1. Induced breeding of glass catfish, kryptopterus vitreolus. For producing quality fish fry, induced breeding techniques are applied in the hatcheries. Whereas, in the induced breeding there is no possibility of mixture and as a result the pure form of fish seeds are obtained. The study period was from november 2009 to january 2010. Many fish spawn in environments that are nearly impossible to simulate in a hatchery. Brooders are raised in the ponds along with other major carps. Environmental factors play an important role in regulating reproduction in fishes. Induced breeding, silurus glanis, broodstock, intensive rearing, pond. For induced breeding, selected brooders are kept in spawning tank of the. Induced breeding, gonadoprim, hatching rate and survival rate, vietnam koi vietnam koi is a native fish species in vietnam hasan et al. In the year of 1934, brazilians were succeeded in induced breeding by pituitary extract.

Induced breeding, embryonic and larval development of comet. Several hormones are being used for induced breeding of fish on commercial scale using chinese type hatchery mostly at the private sector. Breeding technique of gold fish, molly, guppy and its impact on. Induced breeding, silurus glanis, broodstock, intensive rearing, pond culture. Observations on induced breeding of snakehead murrel, channa. A practical guide for hatcheries takes a successive approach to explaining the use of breeding technology with proven. To ensure a yearround, rather than a seasonal, supply of seed, fish breeders have developed techniques of induced spawning that, if efficiently controlled. Induced breeding is a technique b y which the economically important fish which generally do not breed in captive condition are bred through artificial stimulation. Promoting induced breeding of six fish species the fish site. This is in attempt to reduce the cost of ovaprim on fish breeders in the induced breeding of. Induced breeding of pacu piaractus brachypomus in captivity with pituitary extract chattarjee, n.

After 14 to 18 hours, the spawns enter into the outer hapa and the induced breeding process completed. Comparison of the results from induced breeding of european. The success of the induced program is dependent primarily upon the preparation of the right brood stock and its steady supply and replenishment at certain intervals. A reputable fish farm in abeokuta, ogun state, nigeria were used to carry out studies on the induced breeding of clarias gariepinus under varying brood stock ratios. Brood fishes, hatchery, induced breeding, inducing agents, seed production introduction. The eggs are externally fertilized by the spermatozoa that are discharged by the males. After introduction of hypophysation, several methods of artificial inducement by several hormone extracts. The book summarizes current knowledge of the reproductive endocrinology of fish, and applies this knowledge to a practical end.

Breeding fish with pituitary gland hypophysis extract is termed as hypophysation. The long term breeding goal should be to establish specialized and high performing breeds for fish farming. Induced breeding of pacu piaractus brachypomus in captivity. Use of natural and synthetic hormones in induced breeding of fishes. A hatchery manual for the common chinese and indian major carps. Comparison of the results from induced breeding of. Injected brooders were kept in cemented breeding tanks of size 3 x 2 x 1 m with flowing water. Observations on induced breeding of snakehead murrel, channa striatus bloch, 1793. Induced breeding, hormones, mullet, mugil cephalus. Induced breeding of shing, heteropneustes fossilis bloch, 1794 was carried out by using pituitary gland pg and human chorionic gonadotropin hcg. Induced fish breeding, a practical guide for hatcheries induced fish breeding.

A practical guide for hatcheries takes a successive approach to explaining the use of breeding technology with proven scientific methods. Artificial propagation of fish is done by induced breeding technique. Breeding technique of gold fish, molly, guppy and its. Most widely used donor fish is the common carp, cyprinus carpio. Studies conducted by numerous investigators on induced breeding of fishes have indicated the superiority of several ovulating agents over fish pituitary extract although fish pituitary extract was initially used extensively for fish breeding all over the world, synthetic spawning hormones are now being increasingly used due to their efficacy and convenience.

By fish hatchery we refer to a place where brood fish are stocked in growth ponds, eggs are fertilized and hatched up to fingerlings in artificial conditions by the process of induced breeding. Pure fry of any desired species of fish can be obtained through induced breeding. Induced breeding practice became very popular in india as it helped the fish farmers in overcoming many hurdles faced otherwise in fish farming. Scientists have developed induced breeding techniques for production of quality fish seed of cultured varieties. All preparation needed for induced breeding of ornamental fish were done in the laboratory. Induced breeding refers to inducing fish to release gametes. The stimulation promotes timely release of sperms and eggs from ripe gonads. The culture of this species has become a source of employment generation for the rural people. The technique assures a timely available supply of seed. Department of aquaculture, faculty of fishery sciences, west bengal university of animal and fishery sciences, 5 b. Such fish can be subjected to induced breeding and spawn can be collected. Pituitary gland is collected from a mature fish, which is called as a donor fish. The breeding period of cat fishes in india is variable. It is economical to obtain a spawn from induced breeding experiments in comparison to its collection from the riverine sources.

Pdf induced breeding, embryonic and larval development of. These short solved questions or quizzes are provided by gkseries. The successful development of the technique of induced breeding through hypophysation ensures breeding of both indian and chinese major carps in captivity. The technique of induced breeding was first evolved in argentina after producing pituitary extract by houssay 1930 where viviparous fish was injected with the hormone to make premature birth. The process of designing breeding programs for fish populations is discussed, and some solutions are suggested. Pdf induced breeding, embryonic and larval development. Breeding technique of gold fish, molly, guppy and its impact. However, induced breeding and rearing of larvae of shing are facing various problem for the expansion of its culture. Therefore the stocking materials are procured from three different sources, viz. Results from the propagation of fish reared in pond conditions were similar to those from hatchery breeding of european catfish that has been carried out routinely for years.

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